The Barbarian

The Barbarian

The Barbarian

Adam Koebel and I have been working on the barbarian now that most of the backer supplement stuff is tied up. Here’s our current version. What do you think? (All move names are definitely placeholders.)

Starting Moves


Weapons you wield gain the forceful and messy tags in your hands.


When you take damage from an enemy, mark the dice rolled to determine that damage here:






These are your heedless dice. You can never have more heedless dice than your Con. If you already have heedless dice equal to your Con and you would gain more, you choose which dice to keep.

Power Down

When you show compassion, receive healing, eat, drink, or sleep, you lose all your heedless dice.

Hulk Out

When you deal damage, after you roll you can choose to spend a heedless die to deal damage equal to the die’s size instead (4 damage for a d4, 6 damage for a d6, etc.).


You may spend a heedless die of at least d8 size to completely destroy any non-magical inanimate item that is smaller than a horse.  A big horse, too, not one of those puny elf-horses or anything.


You may spend a d8 or larger heedless die to break free of any physical or mental restraint.


As long as you wear no armor or shield you have 1 armor.

Advanced Moves

What Are You Waiting For?!

When you cry out a challenge to your enemies, roll+CHA.

On a 10+ they treat you as the most obvious threat to be dealt with and ignore your companions, take +1 ongoing to damage dealt to them.  On a 7-9 only a few (the weakest or most foolhardy among them) fall prey to your taunting.

My Love For You is Like a Truck

When you impress someone with feats of martial strength, take +1 ongoing to Parley with them.

Appetite for Destruction

Take a move from the Fighter class list.

Completely Heedless

You can have heedless dice equal to your Con+1.

Too Angry To Die

When you take your last breath if you have no heedless dice you treat a 6- as a 7–9 instead.

What Is Best In Life

At the end of a session, if this session you have crushed your enemies, seen them driven before you, or have heard the lamentations of their kin mark XP.


When you make a Str or Con roll you can spend a heedless die of size d8 or larger to take +1 on the roll.

A Good Day to Die

When you have have more heedless dice than HP, take +1 ongoing


You do not feel fear. Any spell, effect, or manipulation based on fear doesn’t work on you.


You’ve travelled the wide world over. When you arrive someplace ask the GM about any important traditions, rituals, and so on, they’ll tell you what you need to know.

Even More Heedless

You can have heedless dice equal to your Con+2.

Kill ‘em All

Choose another move from the Fighter class list.