

Originally shared by Rebel Wulf


One of my players (Ian Porter I am looking at you) decided that Dungeon World Redwall should totally be a thing.

I am not fluent in the setting, but I had a go at tweaking some Class Warfare stuff to make a class for it.

(And yes, I make my Playbooks in Word. Feel free to mock as you see fit)


Lessk Ji, the Lizardman, takes a tumble down a sheer wallface she was climbing.

Lessk Ji, the Lizardman, takes a tumble down a sheer wallface she was climbing.

Lessk Ji, the Lizardman, takes a tumble down a sheer wallface she was climbing. Calliope, the cowardly bard tries to break her fall in a strange moment of running TOWARDS danger, but is about to fall short.

Ted, Cleric of Liath uses Divine Intervention to stop the impending injury from ocurring. His godess intervenes by Shoving the Bard (Who is a coward, which is the worst you can be in Liath’s eyes as godess of never running away) hard onto the floor, so that Lessk-Ji lands on her. (The actual manifestation was a ghostly platemail gauntlet pushing her forwards, not a full on vision of the godess)

Its very much the Fonzy method of fixing a problem. Slam it with your fist, look at the camera and pull out the finger guns.

Yes, Liath is wearing a leather jacket over her platmail. Deal with it.

(Again, Liath did not actually manifest to finger gun her priest. The game is far too serious for that.)

In my game last night, The Cleric, a follower of the Godess of never backing down, finally reached his Cope limit…

In my game last night, The Cleric, a follower of the Godess of never backing down, finally reached his Cope limit…

In my game last night, The Cleric, a follower of the Godess of never backing down, finally reached his Cope limit after being confronted with a wall mural depicting tentacles from underground destroying a dwarven fortress, whilst in a dwarven fortress and seeing his first ever Gelatinous Cube.

Note: Gelatinous Cube is represented here by Giga Puddi, for added comedic value. Naturally, in the actual game it was a squidgy see through wall of tentacles.