So I just ran my second game today, And I learned that combat is pretty tough to handle.

So I just ran my second game today, And I learned that combat is pretty tough to handle.

So I just ran my second game today, And I learned that combat is pretty tough to handle. I keep having difficulties with keeping track of 1: the stats of the enemies that I mostly make up on the spot (seeing as they are mostly people) 2: Where the baddies are durring a fight and 3: where the players are durring a fight. Another issue that I’m having is keeping the combat feeling fresh and at the right difficulty.  Any tips for a newbie GM?

First post here, I have a question: How do you handle the passing of time in Dungeon World?

First post here, I have a question: How do you handle the passing of time in Dungeon World?

First post here, I have a question: How do you handle the passing of time in Dungeon World?

I understand that there aren’t any actual rules having to do with time and how it moves. But I’ve found it really difficult to handle in the game’s i’ve run. Especially with how the wizard and cleric classes work. It feels weird to just say “Okay you study your spells – an hour or so passes what do you do now?” but even worse is that it feels unfair to just exclude the wizard/cleric while everyone else does other things. “Okay the wizard is studying spells, What do you guys do?” So are there any other ways to handle it? What’s a way I can keep the wizard/cleric occupied while he’s studying while everyone else is off doing other things? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.