Hi all

Hi all

Hi all,

I was wondering about a new advanced move for the Fighter I’m currently playing (huge guy, very huge cestus, good hearth, many sons, loves destroy things with fighter base move which we use more broadly than it is written).

I took an advanced move from the “Brute” by James Hawthorne and changed a little bit (a lot actually).

Name: under review…any suggestion?

When you take damage during a fight, taste your blood and roll+COS: 10+ chose 2, 7-9 chose 1

a) +2 dmg vs the enemy that hit you (or +1 frwd)

b) give a killer look to enemies (or howl, or make the very angry hulk, anything that fit with your warrior);those who see you flinch and loose an action

c) your next attack has also the Stun property (and also deal damage)

Any suggestion?

I’m especially doubtful with the c).

Thanks in advance.

Hi all, I was wondering under which ability jumping goes: strength, dexterity, both?

Hi all, I was wondering under which ability jumping goes: strength, dexterity, both?

Hi all, I was wondering under which ability jumping goes: strength, dexterity, both? I wasn’t able to find any clue on the book or in the old forum.
