To all my fellow Web-Gamers out there, a good webcam is on sale today for $20 – no need to deprive your fellows of…

To all my fellow Web-Gamers out there, a good webcam is on sale today for $20 – no need to deprive your fellows of…

To all my fellow Web-Gamers out there, a good webcam is on sale today for $20 – no need to deprive your fellows of your wonderful mug. Why use voice only when you can roleplay with your face?

In my current campaign, the PCs are up against a technologically advanced foreign Empire – one of their main…

In my current campaign, the PCs are up against a technologically advanced foreign Empire – one of their main…

In my current campaign, the PCs are up against a technologically advanced foreign Empire – one of their main advantages is “grey steel”, which is harder and lighter than regular steel. For example, their soldiers fire “grey steel” crossbow bolts which have piercing 2 (the players got their hands on some of this ammo, they now have piercing 2).

Now here’s my question: What qualities should “grey steel” armor have? Reduced weight? Increased armor? The thing I’m really unsure about is whether they should negate the piercing effect of grey steel bolts. Seems like something unusual in DW, but it could be fun.

Players, DMs… What do you think?

Anyone ever modify the Perilous Journey move?

Anyone ever modify the Perilous Journey move?

Anyone ever modify the Perilous Journey move? I saw Adam Koebel do it during the Miss Clicks game, which took place in a giant city; the quartermaster handled bribing city officials to allow passage through restricted areas, using money instead of rations.

I’m searching for inspiration… what sort of perilous journeys have you seen characters go on?

Masters of Dungeons, how do you feel about PCs pulling bandages and healing poultices out of a pack of adventuring…

Masters of Dungeons, how do you feel about PCs pulling bandages and healing poultices out of a pack of adventuring…

Masters of Dungeons, how do you feel about PCs pulling bandages and healing poultices out of a pack of adventuring gear?

My players are desperate to know if their items are magical, and if so, what they do.

My players are desperate to know if their items are magical, and if so, what they do.

My players are desperate to know if their items are magical, and if so, what they do. So I thought of new type of hireling:


Enchantment Expert – When you make camp and the Sage has time and safety to study a magic item, he can determine how it works.

Loremaster – When you consult the sage about something, he’ll tell you a long-winded story about that thing or something similar to it. The player gets +skill to a spout lore roll about that thing, but only if they sit through the whole story.

What do you think? Perhaps I’d be better off making item ID something the Adept can do… or maybe I should force my players to experiment with items the old fashioned way 😉