Looking for 1 or 2 long term players for a roll20 game on Sundays.

Looking for 1 or 2 long term players for a roll20 game on Sundays.

Looking for 1 or 2 long term players for a roll20 game on Sundays. Sessions starting at 3:00 pm or 4:00 pm PCT and lasting 3-4 hours. The game is Star Wars themed and based in Dungeon World mechanics.

I am bored and if anyone else is too, we can play a one shot. I’ll be the GM unless someone else really wants to.

I am bored and if anyone else is too, we can play a one shot. I’ll be the GM unless someone else really wants to.

Originally shared by Isaac Park

I am bored and if anyone else is too, we can play a one shot. I’ll be the GM unless someone else really wants to.


Sorry if this question already popped up but, I was wondering if there was any more news about the immolator…

Sorry if this question already popped up but, I was wondering if there was any more news about the immolator…

Sorry if this question already popped up but, I was wondering if there was any more news about the immolator playbook? From what I gathered, it’s going to be released alongside a special project? I’d really love to run one in my next campaign.