On Monday, the Barbarian and the Fighter slew the Orc Warchief escaping only with the Iron Sword of Ages and their…

On Monday, the Barbarian and the Fighter slew the Orc Warchief escaping only with the Iron Sword of Ages and their…

On Monday, the Barbarian and the Fighter slew the Orc Warchief escaping only with the Iron Sword of Ages and their lives (well, one of them anyway).

I’ve a few ideas on what the sword does, but has anyone else written it up for PC use?


Started running Dungeon World last week.

Started running Dungeon World last week.

Started running Dungeon World last week. I printed out the Barbarian to cater for a couple of players who appreciated it, but I’ve got a query re. some of the moves:

The basic move ‘Musclebound’ seems like it’s duplicated by the advanced move ‘Smash!’, which reads to me like it’s just a restriction of the ‘messy’ tag.

Am I reading it wrong?
