Wow.  First game under the belt.  I’ll post more tomorrow, but here’s my quick review.

Wow.  First game under the belt.  I’ll post more tomorrow, but here’s my quick review.

Wow.  First game under the belt.  I’ll post more tomorrow, but here’s my quick review. 

So. Much. Easier.  Seriously, 10 minutes talking about the moves and tone differences of the game, 2 minutes on the lack of rounds in combat, 30 minutes on character creation and high-level game planning.  15 minutes on bonds.  5 minutes on starting moves and equipment and we were playing…  for 3 hours.  Based on two comments and one additional idea I added in.  

And after a harrowing experience chasing down cultists, freeing their priest before she’s sacrificed to demons, fighting a stone-skinned guardian, loosing the high cultist, and being crushed nearly to death by the demonic hand rising from the pit, the party has reached a decision point…  descend through the pit and find what’s down there, or chase off after the high cult priest who knows who the characters are and the secret they are hiding — and will stop at nothing to shut them up.  

I had a feeling the first time I read it it would play this way… and it was great to see it actually come together.