Hi! I’ve been reading through Dungeon World in the hopes of running a campaign for my group. Can’t express how reading through the game has inspired me! If you didn’t know I’m an illustrator so I thought I’d share an environment I’ve done to try and get the players inspired to. Thought I’d share. Cheers!
That’s a gorgeous image. I’m excited to hear about your foray into DW territory!
Ray Otus Hey cheers matey! One of the players isn’t keen on PbtA rules, so I’ve got to try and bring him round! I generally do player portraits and bad guys, so I’ll post them up when I get round to the first session!
Neat! Looks like Pike.
Err, Pyke… from ASoIaF
Yay! Another illustrator. Like your environ pic. Nice stuff. Look forward to hearing how DW treats you and your table.
Jason Cordova Yeah that was the inspiration. I’ve been binging on GoT recently so that might have something to do with it!
Storn Cook Cheers matey! Love your work too!
that is gorgeous
Very amazing
Arturs Leitans Cheers matey, much appreciated!
Vandel J. Arden I <3 Vandal.
I do not mind more OSR in the Dungeon World community. Welcome! Jonny Gray!
Jonny Gray That’s very impressive! I’d definitely be inspired 🙂
If you’re just getting started with Dungeon World, you might want to also check out the Dungeon World Guide, a fan-written guide/commentary on DW available to download from the official DW site: dungeon-world.com – Downloads – Dungeon World
Robert Rendell looks good
And now im getting ideas for that castle, i remember some images from recent Hawaii volcanic activity this year. Kinda similar color palette. And now this is warmest and most pleasant county in faux-England setting.
Ashford,Ashtonbury ? 😀
this is way too easy
It’s gorgeous work.
John at Deep Six Delver Hey cheers matey, much appreciated! I’m more Trindie than OSR though 😉
Robert Rendell Cheers matey! And thanks for the linkage, I’ll definitely check that out!
Arturs Leitans I see what you did there 😉
harper mcq Cheers man, much appreciated!
Jonny Gray Awwwww….. shucks. Thanks for your kind words.