This a quick video of the private commission I’m working on.

This a quick video of the private commission I’m working on.

Originally shared by Storn Cook

This a quick video of the private commission I’m working on. A GM’s screen in 4 parts. I’m almost done, waiting for some oil to dry in a couple of spots so I can do some more glazing (l want the green crystals to glow).

I went a little fast with the pan, but it should give a general idea of what is going on. And the bonus of y’all getting to see my shoes!

The medium is oil, underpainting was done in gouache. I made a serious mistake with the gouache… when I went to spray fix it so I could brush on clear gesso, it was really windy outside. I should say that I have done this 100s of times. So, the spray went everywhere in large droplets, reactivated the goauche and then dried, so the underpainting was all splotchy. Which is okay, its the underpainting, but I really had to re-establish a lot of my darks. In some places, it was actually a blessing, because I got some cool texture… and I left it alone, didn’t go over it with oil.

Hope y’all like.