I’m nearing the content finish line of Dungeon Rations: Food and Drink! Then onto the first draft and feedback.
I would like to request more help on interesting foods!
What are some interesting, weird, dangerous, helpful, or otherwise Dungeon World delicacies?
The kind of thing that is hard to find, expensive, reserved for special occasions, or an acquired taste…
Only found in dark caves and eaten by those who dwell there, bloodworms are regarded as a delicacy by clans of mighty warriors — people who live and die by the sword. Gathered and saved for post-battle celebrations, bloodworms engorge themselves on fresh blood from fallen foes before being subsequently devoured by the victors. While they taste dreadful, even to accustomed palates, they create a squirming sensation during digestion that some consider joyful. Those with weak Constitutions may suffer unpleasant side-effects.
Description: This plant uses its leaves to get protein quite literally: any creature that has the misfortune of touching the leaf, roll+dex. On a 10+, take 1d2 DMG. On a 7-9, roll 1d6. That’s how many leaves attached to your skin and took 1d2 DMG. On a fail, the GM will tell you how many dice to roll.
Cooking instructions: carefully detach leaves and place them in a cooking pot of minced meat. After around 60 seconds, leaves have wrapped all of the meat and started sucking out the juices. Boil the wraps for 15 minutes (or grill until they stop moving) and serve with yoghurt and garlic.
I’ll take “What is Dungeon Meshi” for 10 points, Lionel
Roasted Troll Heart with blood orange sauce, served with a side of Goblin Fries. This goes really well with a Cabernet Sauvignon.
Displacer beast tentacles are highly sought after for their flavor. You can chew them for hours without the slightest decrease in taste.
Kua-toa gonads with oyster sauce, served with fried algaes and a salad of baby octopus and quinoa. An speciality of the Drunken Mermaid, you underwater brothel
Torn vegepygmy salad with sliced myconids and carrion crawler eyes dressing, you meat monsters! 🙂
Unicorn tear soup. It’s a cure-all, but difficult to acquire since unicorns only allow maidens who are pure of heart to approach. Any maiden who is crooked enough to make a unicorn cry for profit and gain is rarely pure enough to get close.