Okay, here’s an example of the icons I’m playing around with to call out Dangers and Discoveries in the main text.
Wes Baker, I can’t seem to tag you, but if you see this — is this the kind of thing you are thinking about?
Okay, here’s an example of the icons I’m playing around with to call out Dangers and Discoveries in the main text.
Okay, here’s an example of the icons I’m playing around with to call out Dangers and Discoveries in the main text.
Wes Baker, I can’t seem to tag you, but if you see this — is this the kind of thing you are thinking about?
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Here are the icons I used for En terres sauvages
Most are mine, others are from gamesicon.net.
Michael Prescott wait what which
I’m just goofily overreacting to the way the lines from the eye icon touch the sides of the icon, whereas the skull has some nice margin of black all around it.
Also, I’d choose lighter and “sharper” triangles for the text. This one, for example ▻. Also, some additional return carriage (ie. Before the custom move).