I’m not especially happy with certain aspects of spellcasting, or the limited discourse on what happens when a spell…

I’m not especially happy with certain aspects of spellcasting, or the limited discourse on what happens when a spell…

I’m not especially happy with certain aspects of spellcasting, or the limited discourse on what happens when a spell goes sour. I expanded upon that. I’m open to additional ideas.

11 thoughts on “I’m not especially happy with certain aspects of spellcasting, or the limited discourse on what happens when a spell…”

  1. I like the idea of spell points, but why the risk system is so complicated? The GM already has a soft move on 7-9 and a hard move on 6-. The size of the risk is already implicit in the spell description: if I want to light a candle or open a portal to another world there is no need of points to tell the gm which spell will cause more mess in case of failure.

    Also.. next turn what? 😀

    If you like spell points you can easily take the dnd 5e slot system and keep everything else the same!

  2. I’m not especially happy with certain aspects of spellcasting, or the limited discourse on what happens when a spell goes sour.

    yes actually, it is.

  3. Yes, but how can listing specifically what happens when a spell goes sour be less limited that just giving the GM to do what he wants? That was my point

  4. The discourse was limited i.e. the amount of detail. I increased the amount of detail. Your point was based on a misunderstanding of the statement. If you have further misunderstandings it will be impossible for me to help you.

  5. I don’t agree with that, if your gm doesn’t give you a correct amount of detail, that’s the gm fault. With an hard move you can literally change everything that’s happening! Said that, the answer you pasted me answers “why” you changed the rules and not “why you changed it in that particular way”. That’s not an explanation on how, just on why.

    Said that, if you are using turns in combat you are probably playing the wrong way anyway. Cheers

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