Tonight, Kathug, Priest of Thalangul (my own character) reached level 10! All four characters in his party are now pushing to 11th …and beyond… with 7 1/2 levels of our all randomly-generated nodal megadungeon explored, a thriving city-state to return home to, and a sprawling wilderness beyond, I’ve never had more fun than at the gaming table than FREEBOOTERS D12 WORLD has provided. Saturday Oct. 21 marks the one year anniversary of this group that has met at least once per week without fail! Yes, that sheet has been re-copied… the first version was just TOO loved to continue 🙂
Tonight, Kathug, Priest of Thalangul (my own character) reached level 10!
Tonight, Kathug, Priest of Thalangul (my own character) reached level 10!
Kathug definitely has that disloyal glint in his eye!