I need input on this custom move, please!

I need input on this custom move, please!

I need input on this custom move, please!

Undertake a Perilous Journey

When you travel through the wilderness, everyone consumes 1 ration per day of travel and each character picks a job. A character can’t pick more than one job at a time. You may assign Followers to these jobs. If a job remains unassigned, treat it as if it had rolled a 6-.

Describe how your physique helps keeping the party safe and ready, then roll+STR.

10+ Choose 2

7-9 Choose 1

* If the group is attacked, some enemies decide it’s not worth it.

* No one takes the Confused debility from being scared and edgy.

* Choose a character that you train personally. He marks XP.

Describe how you gain knowledge of the surroundings, then roll+DEX.

10+ Choose 2

7-9 Choose 1

* You make an interesting Discovery.

* You catch signs of a nearby Danger.

* You remain unnoticed.

Describe what gear you carry yourself to ease everyone’s journey, then roll+CON.

10+ Choose 2

7-9 Choose 1

* No one takes the Sick debility.

* One character heals a debility.

* Everyone heals damage equal to half its max HP.

Describe how you navigate through the easiest and fastest route, then roll+INT.

10+ Choose 2

7-9 Choose 1

* You reach your destination faster.

* No one takes the Weak debility.

* The group doesn’t draw unwanted attention.

Describe how you gather supplies as you travel, then roll+WIS.

10+ Chose 2

7-9 Choose 1

* You gain 1d4 rations.

* You gain another 1d4 rations.

* You produce or find an item worth 10 coins or less (choose which).

Describe how you help the group keeping a high morale, then roll+CHA

10+ Choose 2

7-9 Choose 1

* One other character gains +1 Forward on his job check.

* One unassigned job doesn’t allow the GM to make a move as if it had rolled 6-.

* One other character who rolled 7-9 is considered having rolled 10+.

9 thoughts on “I need input on this custom move, please!”

  1. I have a feeling that the potential for acquiring debilities is a bit high. With bad rolls, every PC could end up Sick, Confused and Weak. Is it too much?

    I guess it makes sense in the fiction though. Long travels through harsh terrain takes a toll on everyone.

  2. This attempt to cover each of the stats seems complicated… Are you familiar w/ the re-work of UaPJ in Perilous Wilds?

    Short of a re-work/overhaul, Jason Cordova also has a variant for the 7-9 result (or is it just a given?) for the Quartermaster, along the lines of, “One of your companions (who?) does something that annoys you (what?)…” (I assume the Scout and Trailblazer roles were good enough for him).

  3. I guess the real issue is just with group size, as with (my standard) a party of 4 PCs, with no hirelings, I’d be making 2 hard moves, for the 2 jobs unfilled — and that’s if all 4 of them hit. Ouch!

    Considering that hard moves are often encounters/challenges that they will have to make more moves to get out of, this seems like a quick path to bogging down “we want to get from A to B” with lots of random encounters (as misses on those moves could trigger more encounters/danger), which is precisely the slog the [original] move is trying to get away from. But if it suits your group, and the style you’re going for (travel is a grim, dangerous affair that could take up an entire session), then I’d say, just from a glance, that it accomplishes that.

  4. I hadn’t noticed the reconsideration of jobs not taken… That certainly addresses my first point, but I’m still of the opinion that it’s more complicated than I’d want for these situations… maybe others here have some more constructive criticism.

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