Wow fun first session for me…I’ve been a gm for almost 30 years but running DW was such a treat…i know I flubbed…

Wow fun first session for me…I’ve been a gm for almost 30 years but running DW was such a treat…i know I flubbed…

Wow fun first session for me…I’ve been a gm for almost 30 years but running DW was such a treat…i know I flubbed some stuff but by golly we all had fun and the adventure that I wrote ran pretty smooth!!!

4 thoughts on “Wow fun first session for me…I’ve been a gm for almost 30 years but running DW was such a treat…i know I flubbed…”

  1. Oh yes! I always forget you can have info on there for yourself and that they’re not just all about hiding stuff 🙂 Id be interested to hear about what your adventure was about if you feel like sharing, or even a couple of highlights of cool moments.

  2. Lu Quade ask and …poof…

    Dungeon World – The Plot of Misdirected heroes!

    The evil Dragon Wizard Seldazar Dryaalis has a plan to use some heroes to do his dirty work. He is a young Red Dragon who shape changed into the guise of a happy Gnome Story Teller named: Dorgan Benak.

    He will confront the PC’s in the inn of last regards which is in the small town of Dagger Ridge just outside a large forest where many treasures are to be had in the dungeons of the lost ones! A race of high Elves that fell and died out after the coming of man! Seldazar as Dorgan the Gnome will tell the heroes of the many tales of treasure and troves to be had by the stalwart and worthy. If only he could find some “heroes” to go into the deep below and liberate these treasures from the evils that lurk below the land.

    **One shot adventure** may develope into full blown game if players want to. DO NOT divulge the Dragons true nature till after one shot!

    One Shot – Dorgan tells the tale of the Cup of healing! This treasure is supposed to heal all that ails a man and can cure any poison! But…it is guarded by a band of Gnolls in the woods that are using an old fallen keep as their base of operations.

    Let the players Spout Lore about the woods and the area outside of the town.

    In truth Dorgan wants the cup as then he can poison his rivals and ensure that they have no cure! The PC’s are an expendable asset and if they get the cup great, if they don’t…then one less set of heroes to bother him later!

    Once they have the cup Dorgan will pay as agreed but as he owns the local town most likely the money will get back to him. Then he can get the heroes more jobs as there are many treasures that he wants and many rivals he would like disposed of!

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