I’m sure at least one of these won’t start its life as a goofy pun.

I’m sure at least one of these won’t start its life as a goofy pun.

I’m sure at least one of these won’t start its life as a goofy pun. Eventually. Actually I’m not sure of that at all. Enjoy!

Originally shared by Jamie Frost

Potable Hole: This small vial of pitch black liquid is a product of happenstance. Originally it was meant to be used an ink, drawn across a surface to create a portal to a tiny dimension over which the enchanter would have absolute control. Unfortunately, the enchanter was killed partway through the design process, and the formula was never completed.

However, the liquid does still contain a measure of its intended power, which manifests when it is drunk. The drinker creates a selectively permeable portal in their throat, which allows them to shunt anything they swallow into an extradimensional space. The portal can be deactivated with the pass phrase “I’m hungry,” and reactivated with the phrase “I’m full.”

Though the potable hole has a variety of uses, there is one downside if one wishes to use it for storage. The extradimensional space acts very much like a second stomach, and its contents can only be retrieved by vomiting up the entirety of its contents. It’s not as disgusting as it sounds, but if the user has stored a large number of items it can create quite a mess when they are all dumped out in a pile.

2 thoughts on “I’m sure at least one of these won’t start its life as a goofy pun.”

  1. I like it! Ran across an item on a similar note once. An invisibility ring that was not properly finished. Activated by twisting it, the ring would instantly turn invisible, not the wearer.

  2. I could see there being a very endearing use for that ring. A Thief or Bard or something who works as a spy could use it as their wedding ring. That way they can turn it invisible if they need to for a disguise, but they never take it off because it’s their wedding ring. 😊

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