Here are my new and improved elf dwarf and hobbit race as class style classes for World of Dungeons.

Here are my new and improved elf dwarf and hobbit race as class style classes for World of Dungeons.

Here are my new and improved elf dwarf and hobbit race as class style classes for World of Dungeons. The hobbit and dwarf are rather Tolkienesque but I went for a more traditional Celtic/Germanic myth approach for the elf. Enjoy!

W.O.D. Elf, Dwarf, Hobbit classes:

Dwarves get stone lore as skill. Choose two of the following as special abilities: 1 Enduring(once a day, roll a 1d6 and subtract that much from a damage roll.). 2 Resistant( reroll rolls when resisting poison or the elements). 3 Night vision (can see in the dark up to Near range without aid from lights). 4 Dwarvish passion (increase one stat by 1 and decrease another stat by 2 for as long as your are in a frenzy of any emotion.).

Elves get wood lore as their skill. Choose two special abilities:. 1 Free spirit (you are immune to all enchantments, aging magic, natural, disease, and magic affecting those with souls.). 2 Sleepspell(with music or song, you may put all in near range who hear into light slumber.) 3 Fay and Perilous Wrath (like clerics “Turn” ability for all but mindless creatures, but take -2 forward after rage is over) 4 Faery song (as long as you sing this song (2 minutes max) and both of you are undisturbed, you or another creature turn into a mist form of yourself, allowing you to pass through keyholes or under doors, and hold light objects gently, [you have no strength in this form for work or violence]

Hobbits get persevering as their skill. Choose two special abilities:. 1Foodcraft (when In livable regions, hobbits can craft at least makeshift food provided adequate supplies and time are on hand) 2 Stubborn (you may reroll againt spells/manipulation/mind control that forcefully change your beliefs, desires, or will). 3Hard to find (If yet unseen, hobbits can quickly hide themselves most anywhere and be hard to detect if they remain still and silent.) 4marksman (reroll any ranged attack once a day)