Does anyone have actual play experience with the Flux compendium class?

Does anyone have actual play experience with the Flux compendium class?

Does anyone have actual play experience with the Flux compendium class? It was one of the original CCs, and a re-edited version appears in Class Warfare. The starting move is as follows:


When you call upon the fundamental force within yourself, if

you are touching two objects no heavier than yourself, roll+CON.

On a hit, the objects are attracted to each other like Newton’s

apple to the ground. On a 10+, also choose two options from the list

below. On a 7-9, choose one:

> There are no adverse side effects.

> This bond lasts until you choose to break it.

> You are able to weaken the bond without breaking it.

It seems like the sort of thing that would have clever uses, but for the life of me I draw a blank when trying to think of any, and I’ve never seen anyone play with it. How about you, Tavernites? Seen it in play, or have any cunning notions on what to do with it?

5 thoughts on “Does anyone have actual play experience with the Flux compendium class?”

  1. I would say people aren’t objects, based mainly on the fact that the halfling racial move lets you select yourself as one of the bound objects. Though if that weren’t there, I think I might let creatures count as objects.

  2. James Etheridge And if they are objects, then you could bind two smaller opponents together, then bind another to one of those, then another, then a heavy rock or two, and you have a modern art sculpture!

  3. A barrel with a smaller rod inside. You use the power to lock them into place. Then, pull the inner rod back and latch it. Stick a small ball inside the barrel. Release the latch and BOOM, an instant muzzleloader rifle without the BOOM. Sniper style

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