Is there someone good at video editing out there.  I would like to make up a movie illustration on how the game…

Is there someone good at video editing out there.  I would like to make up a movie illustration on how the game…

Is there someone good at video editing out there.  I would like to make up a movie illustration on how the game works.  I would like to go through the movie Raider’s of the Lost Ark and have it play a bit of a scene, stop for some text (GM and Player text) and then continue with the different results: 10+, 7-9, and 6 or less.  I mean the opening scene alone is a great one.  Indie Jumps across a pit, get’s a 7-9 and manages to catch the vines, gets a 6 and the vine gets longer, ect.  I want to make this illustrative video based on a movie to illustrate the system for those that don’t understand the mechanics.  That a 10+ is a success always but in succeeding you may not get what you want, in getting a 7-9 you are not failing but succeeding with a cost or with “Drama”, and a 6 or less isn’t always a “Failure” but a chance for hard drama.  Can anyone help with this project?

I also think that with the 16 hp Dragon stuff, the dramatic scene in the second Hobbit Movie (Desolation of Smaug) is another great example that can be DW-ized with text and stops.

One thought on “Is there someone good at video editing out there.  I would like to make up a movie illustration on how the game…”

  1. For those that are too young to have not seen (or heard of it) Indiana Jones: Raider’s of the lost Ark and play roleplaying games then your education is incomplete, Find a Friend or find someone that has the movie to lend it to you and See IT!  Just like Labyrinth it is one of the clasics and a must see for any gamer.

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