What have people found/created with regard to online generators for FotF and Perilous Wilds Tables?

What have people found/created with regard to online generators for FotF and Perilous Wilds Tables?

What have people found/created with regard to online generators for FotF and Perilous Wilds Tables?

Here are a couple I’ve found:

generators for Perilous Wilds region/place names, items, discoveries, dangers, creature, steading, dungeon, adventures:


a generator for FotF spell names:


another generator for FotF spell names (along with some other things the creator found useful):


(Originally added the above as comment on a different post… but figure having a post all on its own might be nice for those searching.)

8 thoughts on “What have people found/created with regard to online generators for FotF and Perilous Wilds Tables?”

  1. I find that using the manual process is slower, obviously, bit it gives my mind time to anticipate what might be coming (partly because I can see the table entries). When I used the online generator, I found myself thinking.. “that’s it?” It skips to the end too quickly.

  2. I totally agree. Dice and paper whenever possible! The generator is just great to have in a pinch when stopping to roll will kill your momentum.

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