Play Possum

Play Possum

Play Possum

When you feign death after taking damage, give your best death rattle, fall prone, and Roll+CHA. On a 10+, Hold 3. On a 7-9, Hold 1.

As long as you play dead, you may spend hold, 1 for 1, to choose an option:

* Use an item without betraying your ruse

* Don’t arouse suspicion when someone closely inspects or loots your body

* Sneak attack and deal your damage to something nearby. If it isn’t a killing blow, lose remaining Hold.

* Escape to safety at an opportune time (ask the GM when) and lose remaining Hold.

13 thoughts on “Play Possum”

  1. I really like that move and am glad I held off commenting as I think the edits help. I’m still not sure what the second option does though. Do you spend a hold to prevent someone from looting or inspecting your body, or spend hold to make them think you’re dead when they do those things?

    What about something like “Redirect someone or something’s attention” or “Cause someone or something nearby to ignore you.”

  2. Great move – as for the possibility of it being overused… Something along the lines of “This ruse won’t work against the same targets more than once.” could help out – and let the GM decide whether “same targets” means just the people who saw the first attempt, or others in their “faction” who could have been told about it, etc…

    Although that’s the sort of thing that the GM should be doing regardless of whether there is a line in the move to make it explicit, and players should know better than to try and cheese the rules.

  3. Chris Stone-Bush The latter; made a slight edit for clarity.

    Greg Baatard Yeah I’d rely on the GM’s interpretation of when it could and couldn’t be triggered.

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