Hello, Tavern!

Hello, Tavern!

Hello, Tavern! Following up on the Sorcerer playbook I created back in January, I’d like to present the 3rd and final version of the Warlock playbook I’ve been working on since then. It’s now up on DriveThruRPG for free!

The class has evolved quite a bit over the last 5 months, going from a more standard “three specialties” approach (similar to the sorcerer), to having a 2-page layout including custom patron moves, to a more spacious 3-page layout that allows for more patrons and less terse move wordings.

Unfortunately, I’m a perma-DM in my groups, so this is very much in need of some love and playtesting! I’d offer to give free copies to anyone who provides feedback, but it’s already free, so… feedback still appreciated!
