Hey Jason Lutes,
I’ve got four 10 and 11 year olds coming for a beach holiday next month (my daughter in the mix), and although its Autumn, we’ll be in the water all day and hanging out playing games at night. The simple little cabin has no TV Yay! or Internet connection, so I’m planning on running a Perilous Wilds Game for the Kids using World of Dungeons.
I’ve been searching everywhere on my hard drive, but I’ll be darned if I can find a WoD character sheet / one page summary in the Perilous Worlds Style. I think it even had borders by Kenny Widjaja! I’m sure I remember one from somewhere…
Am I imagining it?
I’ve got Blake Hutchins’ excellent Dungeon Girls sheets, but I just wanted to collate all my resources before he head off, since it’ll have to hard copies of all my supplies.
Can any one help here? Thanks in advance!
I know there were Freebooter sheets, and then Maezar made some, too…
They are great Matt Horam! I considered going with Freebooters, but I like the simplicity (and encouragement to make up rules for the kids) of WoD. Plus I’ve already updated to John Harper’s ruleset in Blades: d6 pool with each +1 and help giving an extra die to the pool. Success on 6, partial on 4-5. Critical success on multiple 6s.
Nathan Roberts Zero mod being w[2d6]? I hadn’t thought of feeding Blades back into its ancestor like that…now I want to run WoD like that for kids using custom d6 that use icons for the pre-numeric ages…curse you.
[Edit: There’s always Hero Quest until can get Mouse Guard dice]
Yup that’s exactly how it works! Its really cool. The kids always want pets – they add an extra dice when applicable. Skills insulate you from total failure as normal.
I’ve got THREE sets of mouse guard dice mate – you want one? Its yours 🙂
Nathan Roberts I would love to buy a set from you, for sure!
PS Now I want these:
Hmm, I haven’t produced anything like that, and I’m pretty sure Keny hasn’t either. The only character sheets I’ve done are the ones for Freebooters and Funnel World.
But hey — if you give me all the info you want on there, if I have time in between things I can try to out one together before your next session…
Oh Jason Lutes! If you did then you’d be the best, If you did’nt get around to it, then you’d still be the best! Thanks mate 🙂
These are Blake Hutchins’s Dungeon Kids sheets I’ve been using.
Those Dungeon Girls sheets are amazing! But now I’m confused — why aren’t these doing the job? Maybe I’m failing to grasp what you mean by a “WoD character sheet / one page summary in the Perilous Worlds Style.”
Oh, they are doing the job! But since I’m going to incorporate the PW rules for map design and random tables for war exploration and adventure, I thought I had remembered a character sheet with PW artwork on the borders to tie in with the almanacs and what not.
No matter! AP report next month when we are done 🙂
Ha! Using game-icons.net based on the Harrow deck icons…I swear, some weeks the whole community is thinking the same thing at the same time.
Can I help? Let me know what needs to be created/designed! Jason Lutes Nathan Roberts
Nathan Roberts I spent the morning wireframing sheets for a similar agegroup for the next Ettin Con … this is getting interesting… Maezar, if Nathan doesn’t take you up on that offer, I probably would! My layout skills are okay, but my graphic design has nothing on yours.
I’m happy either way Gents 🙂
I playtested the Blades Mechanic with Wod Last night with some RPG noobs out here at Coolah, and it Worked a treat!
Dice Pools for the Win!
[Heavily cut and pasted from John Harper’s Blades in the Dark]
Blades in the Dark Hack For World Of Dungeons.
Rolling the Dice:
World of Dungeons uses six-sided dice. You roll several at once and read the single highest result.
If the highest die is a 6, it’s a full success. Things go well. If you roll multiple 6s, it’s a critical success; you do it perfectly to some extra benefit or advantage.
If the highest is a 4 or 5 that’s a partial success. It’s reduced performance or a mixed result — mostly good, but with trouble attached.
If the highest is 1-3 it’s a bad outcome. Things go poorly.
If you ever need to roll but you have zero (or negative) dice, roll 2d and take the lowest result.
That’s the core dice mechanic for the game. You roll a pool of d6s, take the highest die, and judge the result. All the other systems in the game are expressions of this core. When you’re first learning the game, you can always “collapse” back down to a simple roll, use the outcome to judge how things go, then move on, to keep the flow of the game going. Look up the full mechanic later when you have time to learn it.
To create a dice pool, start with 1 die, you’ll then assess the ‘trait’ being used as well as situational factors. You’ll usually end up with one to four dice (even one die is pretty good in this game — a 50% chance of success.) The most common trait you’ll use are the ratings of the player character’s Attributes. A player might roll dice for their Strength rating when they fight an enemy, for example. Tags can act as traits, as too can situational factors.
Skills: If the Player can justify it, they may add +1 die for a relevant skill or special ability. Also, if you have an applicable skill, you can’t miss. A roll of 1-3 or less counts as a partial success, but with a bigger compromise or complication than a 4-5 result.
Help: If another player can narrate how they help, they may add +1 die to the pool. It costs 1HP (stress) to add the die and they will then be implicated in any failure.
Lead a Group Action: When you lead a group action, you coordinate multiple members of the team to tackle a problem together. Describe how your character leads the team in a co-ordinated effort. Do you bark orders, give subtle hand signals, or provide charismatic inspiration?
Each PC who’s involved rolls for the action and the team counts the single best result as the overall effort for everyone who rolled. However, the character leading the group action takes 1 HP in stress for each PC that rolled 1-3 as their best result
Pushing: +1d if you Push yourself (you take 2 HP damage in stress)
You’re also free to use abstract traits for some rolls. You might assess an NPC’s loyalty, for example, to make a roll to see if they keep their mouth shut when questioned by the Town Watch. Are they extremely loyal (3 dice) or hardly loyal at all (1 die)? By using abstract traits on the fly, you can roll for any kind of situation that crops up during play.
A dice pool is always created by assessing the details of the fictional situation in play. What is your character doing, specifically? This determines which action rating you use to create your dice pool. The other systems of the game depend on this “fiction first” approach
Do you have a layout in mind? Could you sketch something rough and upload a picture or scan?
Sure buddy! Use Blake Hutchins excellent sheet as a guide, with classic Perilous wilds art as eye candy.
I’ll have a crack at it myself with a rough pencil sketch if I get time today or tomorrow!
Really appreciate this Maezar, whatever you feel like doing, is amazing!