In celebration of the discovery of ripples in space-time (another win for Einstein):

In celebration of the discovery of ripples in space-time (another win for Einstein):

In celebration of the discovery of ripples in space-time (another win for Einstein):

Time Elemental

Solitary, Large, Magical, Planar, Amorphous

Withering arm (d12 damage 1 piercing) 23 HP


Time elementals are creatures from a plane most sages are unaware even exists. A time elemental is a powerful creature formed of pure time and matter such as is unknown to even the most learned of sages. It is unknown how or why time elementals enter the Dungeon World, as they cannot be summoned using the standard summoning spells.Time elementals attack by forming a misty or smoky arm from their forms and lashing at opponents. A time elemental can see a few seconds into the future. This ability prevents it from being surprised. Time elementals are immune to all time-related spells and effects.

Instinct: Cause Time Ripples

Eliminates Time paradoxes

Can Teleport thru time and space

6 thoughts on “In celebration of the discovery of ripples in space-time (another win for Einstein):”

  1. Rocky Perez I believe you are mistaken about “black holes” which are predicted by his theories, but were largely felt to be an ”unreal” purely math construct until the 1970s. Now evidence for their actual existence is everywhere. Ripples in space-time where predicted by Einstein but only proven to exist a few weeks ago. Einstein did hate Quantum Theory which he felt had to be “incomplete” due to what he felt where violations in logic (ie, “spooky action at a distance, etc.)but he was forced to respect the math. Science has since largely validated Einstein but has validated Quantum Theory even more. 

  2. Ah thanks for the clarity. I, like most of today’s society, fall prey to the “I’m just too lazy to validate what I feel us fact” syndrome. Only, I must’ve heard this somewhere, since I’ve had this false notion for years.

  3. Rocky Perez My guess is you confused his attacks on QT with later attacks on “black holes” which were often attacked by skeptics using the same “illogical” thesis. Sadly for both Einstein and black hole critics the evidence for the existence of both is now pretty overwhelming. The existence of a multiverse is also looking likely because of some of the same math. This even though many scientists secretly dislike being trapped in a reality that sounds increasingly like a peyote trip to the masses. Oddly the universe doesn’t seem to care about our hangups. 

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