Episode 6 of Discern Realties is here!

Episode 6 of Discern Realties is here!

Episode 6 of Discern Realties is here! 

Originally shared by David LaFreniere

DR Ep 6 is out today!

What Happened Here Recently? (00:28)

Letting another player use your character

What Should I Be On the Lookout For?(7:00)

Jason Lutes The Perilous Wilds

What Here is Not What It Appears to Be? (13:57)

Unarmed combat

What Here is Useful or Valuable to Me? (20:25)

The Keepers of the Unquiet Dead

What is About to Happen? (25:00)

The ongoing adventures of Ramshackle Crow


5 thoughts on “Episode 6 of Discern Realties is here!”

  1. I’m planning on using Perilous Wilds for a group of newbie DW players who I played D&D 1E/2E way back in the day. Looking forward to giving it a spin. Thanks for calling attention to it.

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