16 thoughts on “How would you stat an enemy chariot team, in a chariot race?”

  1. Precise examples. I’m planning to treat it as a normal monster, but i don’t know wheter to use the solitary or the group statistics, nor how much armor to give them.

    The chariots are just competing against the pcs. They are not doing anything else bad 🙂

  2. If I would create a race I would use the mentioned stats for the general contestants.

    Then add some more flavour characters with different insticts and stats.

    The honorable frontrunner team which always wins and does so with honor ( tries to win with its skill and doesnt act unfair, upp their statts a bit or give them a advantage through the fiction because they are just so skilled)

    The team which fights dirty because it wants to be number one at all costs and cant compete with #1 with skill alone. (Uses secretly magic to sabotage you, might try to sabotage someon before the race)

    The underdog nobody thinks has a chance but might surpise everyone during the race.

    I would let the players meet the other racers beforehand to set the scene, add some emotions and create a good atmosphere.

    Then some additional moves. If you try to drive your spear into the enemy wheel……; If you try to overtake in a risky situation……;

    But yeah dont know the exact setting in which your race happens, it all depends on that I guess.

  3. Musing: I like to use countdown clocks or tracks for all sorts of things. In addition to normal Monster stats, I’d give everyone each some sort of 3-5 box track that indicates how close they are to winning. Then add something like:

    When you attempt to overtake another chariot, roll+Dex. On a 10+, increase your tracker by 1 or you may choose to increase it by 2 if you also take damage to your chariot; on a 7-9 you stay neck and neck, increase both trackers by 1. On a 6-, increase their tracker by 1 and the GM makes a move.

    Just spitballing

  4. To be fair I tried to create a set of stats that could also be used in a war setting as a culture that has chariot races probably uses them in warfare as well. I think to add specifics for the race would be adding obstacles, cheating etc. Which I would handle with defy danger, pronounce impending badness, etc.

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