Barbarian flavor text

Barbarian flavor text

Barbarian flavor text

Went to a D&D5e expedition to keep a friend company.  We both disliked it.  It inspired me to set up a game next week with him and a couple of new-to-gaming buddies during which I’ll run DW.

I loved the blurbs for each class from the playtest foldouts (and which now head the sections in the final book).  I want to spread those around the group and use them to have the players narrow down which to play.  We can discuss with the group and THEN hand out character sheets once we have worked out a lot of the dynamics.  Sadly, the barbarian just starts with elements, no blurb.  I could dummy up a flavor text halfway between “the lamentations of their women” and the druid’s already-pretty-similar text, but my dynamic writing is not as good as Sage’s.  Does anyone have a good blurb for the barbarian that they have used?

3 thoughts on “Barbarian flavor text”

  1. Agreed. Either the Conan the Barbarian quote, or Terry Pratchett’s parody of it would serve. You might also find Thrud the Barbarian an amusement.

    Hot water, good dentishtry and shoft lavatory paper.

  2. I totally plagiarized Conan, as we all mentioned before, just a little less sexist.  What do you think?

    Fire and wind come from the sky, from the gods of the sky. But your god lives in the earth.  He is grim and loveless, but at birth he breathes power to strive and slay into a man’s soul.  In the darkness of chaos, the ancient giants stole from your God the enigma of steel. Your God was angered. And the Earth shook. Fire and wind struck down these giants, but the secret of steel was left on the battlefield by your God.  We who found it are just mortals. Not gods. Not giants. You must learn the riddle of steel. You must learn its discipline. For few – few in this world can you trust. Few men, few women, few beasts.

    These pasty travelers have left their cities and arbitrary rules to seek adventure.  They have a little gumption, but they need to throw off their petty civilization and airs and learn to sate their hungers, live large as free person lives.  You will teach them what is best in life: To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their loved ones.

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