so a fair few years ago i played / ran a lot of Talislanta 3rd Edition.

so a fair few years ago i played / ran a lot of Talislanta 3rd Edition.

so a fair few years ago i played / ran a lot of Talislanta 3rd Edition.

To make monsters / matters easier i condensed down a load of monsters and converted a load of Diablo 2 mobs to T3 stats and put them on these nifty T-cards. i also had a folder that would carry about 30 or so in easy to access format. theyre also colour coded to what “type” of monster it is (Beast / demon / undead etc), and sorting through my old gaming boxes i have re found them… 

given that i have the day off today and the weather is too bad for me to play too much Ingress (big joke there..) i’m going to see about repurposing the cards for DW

given the simplicity of DW mobs has anyone else tried index cards for reference?

3 thoughts on “so a fair few years ago i played / ran a lot of Talislanta 3rd Edition.”

  1. I write all my Impending dooms on mini-index cards with a cool illustration, then pile the grim portents on top (as seperate cards). These sit around the main map, and as they advance, I take one of the cards off the top and reveal the next grim portent until finally the Impending doom. Adds delicious tension, especially when there is that ‘damned if I do, damned if I don’t’ choice  for the players between combatting one front or another.

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