Looking for 1 or 2 long term players for a roll20 game on Sundays.

Looking for 1 or 2 long term players for a roll20 game on Sundays.

Looking for 1 or 2 long term players for a roll20 game on Sundays. Sessions starting at 3:00 pm or 4:00 pm PCT and lasting 3-4 hours. The game is Star Wars themed and based in Dungeon World mechanics.

9 thoughts on “Looking for 1 or 2 long term players for a roll20 game on Sundays.”

  1. Thank you for fixing it. Looked through it and realized I should of clarified. The GM hasn’t played Apocalypse World and is more comfortable with Dungeon World and its playbook style and how stats work. While it looks good to me, it does not fit what we are trying to do right now.

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