I compiled all the various damage types in Dungeon World and made a chart for myself.

I compiled all the various damage types in Dungeon World and made a chart for myself.

Originally shared by Ray Otus

I compiled all the various damage types in Dungeon World and made a chart for myself. When making monsters on the fly I wanted a better handle on how to pick damage dice. The best of 2/worst of 2 math is non-intuitive. See the grids below (sorted by the column highlighted in orange.) The first is sorted by die type (worst of 2d4, d4, best of 2d4, worst of 2d6, etc.). The second is sorted by median damage. The order of the damage die types in the second chart is a little eye-opening. Definitely not intuitive. 

Some notes:

1) Not every type of damage die appears in DW. For instance, there is no straight d4 or d12 damage roll in the bestiary. I filled in the obvious holes.

2) The modifiers in the DW bestiary are all over the place. Not every die type appears with every modifier, obv. If you want a list of all the ones used, ping me and I will produce it. For this charat, I stuck modifiers off to the right and included all the ones that are in the bestiary. Note the jump to odd numbers at 5 (…3, 4, 5, 7, 9). 

3) I realize I should have deviation in here. Otherwise items like the difference between b[2d6] and d8 (4.47 vs. 4.5) appear to be trivial. But d8 will “obvioulsy” have a much higher deviation.

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