As much as I love Dungeons & Dragons in its many incarnations, I always come back to Dungeon World because it feels…

As much as I love Dungeons & Dragons in its many incarnations, I always come back to Dungeon World because it feels…

As much as I love Dungeons & Dragons in its many incarnations, I always come back to Dungeon World because it feels like there is so much potential. I may not necessarily always get it right, but the idea of running or playing Dungeon World makes me more excited than many other games out there right now.

10 thoughts on “As much as I love Dungeons & Dragons in its many incarnations, I always come back to Dungeon World because it feels…”

  1. David Benson Depends what one means by campaign I suppose.  Are you saying that because of the 1-10 level character arc or because of the structure of the campaign fronts rules themselves.

  2. I’m in a few campaigns. 1 is almost a year and a half and going strong.

    The next has gone about 8 months. And a third for about 5-6 months.

  3. I’m currently developing a campaign setting that I intend to launch specifically for DW.  That being said, it will tend to enhance, rather than replace the campaign fronts rules.  Assuming I do it correctly…

    Anywho, I can definitely see issues with ‘long term’ campaigning with the level 10 limitation.  BUT, I see no reason one couldn’t go further by just extrapolating on the moves presented, or even creating ‘epic’ rules and moves like some others have tried.

  4. I too am creating a campaign setting, slowly but surely to be released as a pdf. I hope. I just split the levels in two. So odd levels characters gain a move and even levels they gain a stat increase. Boom 20 levels. Also I’m fiddling with the ‘7’ in the ‘7+ current level’ standard. My player’s like it okay so I hope it goes over well. But I’ll certainly ask for more feedback before I release anything “officially.”

  5. The DW rule book does describe what should happen once they reach level 10, personally a character with like 20 moves doesn’t seem well defined. If I recall, you tell the GM what your favorite move(s) are, keep them, drop the others and start from level 1, my preference would probably be focusing on compendium classes at this point.

    Chances are people rely on a few key moves even if they have 10, so I don’t really see they benefit of adding 10 more on top of a bunch they hardly use already. 

    Also, DW has some aspects of play that are the equivalent of “achievements” in video games. The point where your character has hit max level, but can still accomplish new things. These are built into the campaign fronts of course, but also into the steading rules.

    Having players focus on campaign self created “achievements” (making all steading on the map prosperous, taking all “blight” tags off of steadings, earning 250,000gp, building a keep, become a thane in each city, making a staff of the magi and robe of stars, learning every spell in the rules, etc) are ways of “leveling your character” without actually going up to level 20+

  6. I ghink to play a long term campaign with DW you have to think differently. Instead of one long story you kind of have to see it as different seasons in the same world with maybe different characters as well. Basically think The Wire just heroic fantasy.

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