I saw a discussion of this once upon a time, and now I can’t find it again. Maybe it was on Reddit?

I saw a discussion of this once upon a time, and now I can’t find it again. Maybe it was on Reddit?

I saw a discussion of this once upon a time, and now I can’t find it again. Maybe it was on Reddit?

The Barbarian die rolling thing seems a bit awkward to me, particularly in online play. I saw a proposal somewhere to change the Barbarian back to 2d6+stat, with a +1 ongoing whenever following a passion. Whenever the player rolls doubles, the Barbs passions overwhelm him.

Anybody remember where this is from? Anybody ever tried it? The difference between the two rolling techniques is less than 5% – any other drawbacks to this change? Something I’m missing?

7 thoughts on “I saw a discussion of this once upon a time, and now I can’t find it again. Maybe it was on Reddit?”

  1. Michael Phillips

    I don’t think anything is lost if you use the “If you roll doubles” method, but frankly, I don’t really see the difference or any reason to switch.  Functionally, they are entirely equivalent to me.

  2. I guess my objections are this –

    1) on Roll20 in particular, it takes a moment to determine which die is which, it interrupts my flow of thought jumping back and looking for the die silhouettes. A match would be much easier to spot.

    2) Aesthetically, it doesn’t feel right. Almost every other move is based around the 2d6+stat, this one feels awkward. I don’t see anything gained by making the change; there doesn’t seem to be anything interesting mechanically that is hooked into the odd dice.

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