9 thoughts on “Used up a ton of ink on this one.”

  1. AJ Ferguson  Great work here. I almost want to see the picture expanded outward to see more of the surroundings.

    I also have tried to reach you recently through hangouts and G+ in case you wanted to discuss. Just wanted to make sure the message had made it through.

  2. I actually like there there are t inhabitant in the pictures, because that limits its use.

    Maybe this is an altar maybe this haut a mountain you were sent to on a wild goose chase.

    Though I’d like to see people/monsters/Heroes as separate pictures.

  3. Sam nailed it Eric. I purposely leave them blank so that tey can be used as battlegrids —- strike that sacriliege term ——- so they can be used as action environments.

    Although I do have some creatures floating around somewhere . . . .

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