I’m surprised that there’s not more roll20 / G hangout activity.

I’m surprised that there’s not more roll20 / G hangout activity.

I’m surprised that there’s not more roll20 / G hangout activity. Seems like DW more than most games would work fantastic that way. Is there somewhere else that’s more of a nexus of online DW players getting together than this group or roll20 that I’m missing?

I’ve started running an in-person group as GM but would love to actually play too 🙂

Oh well, I’ll keep checking back.

6 thoughts on “I’m surprised that there’s not more roll20 / G hangout activity.”

  1. There is a fair amount of one-shots here, but not many (public) long-term games. My suggestion: plan something and call for players (or even call for a GM as there are folks hanging around who are frequently looking for excuses to run something), and see who responds,

  2. I noticed even on Roll20 that there weren’t any Dungeon World games in the LFG. Made me pretty sad since someday I’d like to be a player again. 

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