From that guy who brought you The Dragon, it’s

From that guy who brought you The Dragon, it’s

From that guy who brought you The Dragon, it’s . . . The Unicorn! Should cover everything from Narnian soldier-impaling badasses to Lady Amalthea to Lady Raincorn. Again, feedback is appreciated!

13 thoughts on “From that guy who brought you The Dragon, it’s”

  1. Lots of very good stuff here! At first blush, a few things that stand out as perhaps needing a second look:

    The Noble race strikes me as too strong. +1 Ongoing is a very big deal.

    I feel like the damage die should perhaps be a d6. It feels more like a cleric than a strictly front line fighter, at least at the start.

    With all the moves that expend the healing ability of your horn as a cost, I think you should have some way of actively recovering that ability besides making camp. You can end up losing most of your abilities after a single 7-9 roll as is, which seems pretty harsh.

    Keep it up, this and the dragon are pretty quality!

  2. Paride Papadia Talking beast could be good! I was more interested in making play books for common (cliche even!) fantasy protagonists than, say, a kappa. I would struggle to find an adventuring motive for something that typically sits in a river eating cucumbers/children! I frequently use them as antagonists, though.

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