Some ideas for monster moves from a dungeon crawl I’m working on.

Some ideas for monster moves from a dungeon crawl I’m working on.

Some ideas for monster moves from a dungeon crawl I’m working on.

The players enter a room with rats that have been feeding off of psychoactive mushrooms. The rats will swarm and have the following move: Scury under worn items. This will mean the players will have to strip off gear as tripping rats gnaw at them.

The players will enter woods that forest goblins are hunting in. Two moves for the goblins will be: disappear into woods and the second move will be Attack unseen from the woods. Theis will add some spice to combat as goblin snipers will need to be found in addition to the frontline brawlers.

Has anyone played out similiar moves and if so how did it play out?

2 thoughts on “Some ideas for monster moves from a dungeon crawl I’m working on.”

  1. Those look exactly right to me and show how the systems works optimal. 

    I am a big fan of the Troglodyte moves

    Raid and retreat

    Use scavenged weapons or magic 

    I had Trogs using ropes to swing down at the party, throw “magical hand grenades” at the group and retreating. 

    Hit&run tactics are super mean. 

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