6 thoughts on “Hi everyone!”

  1. The one with Grim World? (I forget the author…) Another player in a game I’m in is playing it, he’s loving the ability to 1) play a character who’s not too good and 2) be effective in combat. You have any specific concerns?

  2. yeah, that one, although we didn’t buy grim world, just the pdf from drivethru. Anyhow, I just can’t wrap my head around a couple of things. Mainly, the break free move seems to be triggered by something that’s not fiction, but rather “numerical”. It’s like… Ok, you miss a move and it gives you 2 urges. Then what about the forthcoming gm’s move? Do I make my move… Then the character reacts… Then when moves-snowballing sort of runs out of juice, we roll for break free? I just can’t picture it! Also, I don’t understand the need for an area tag and some other details.

  3. The best way I would see would be to immediately roll for Break Free, then incorporate the results in the GM move made in response to whatever gave you Urge.

    i.e. 6- on Rip and Tear!

    A) 6- on Break Free – The Cursed Knight is dragged to the ground (Hard Move from the Rip and Tear), snarling, breaking the chain of the pendant around his neck. (GM chooses to apply a downside from RaT!, while also using up the player’s resources)

    B) 7-9 on Break Free – The Cursed Knight flails wildly, being stabbed by goblin spears (Hard Move) ,dealing damage to a nearby PC (GM choice from RaT!) and corrupting a nearby goblin with dark power (Players choice from RaT!)

    C) 10+ on Break Free – Cursed Knight is thrown to the ground and stomped on by the ogre, dealing damage (Hard Move), but the stomp breaks the rickety bridge the ogre and Knight were standing on. Both fall but maage to grab onto the quickly fraying rope.

    What do you do?

  4. ok, thanks, I still can’t really see it (I mean, it’s like rolling two moves for one trigger) but I feel I’m starting to understand how it’s supposed to work.

    Area: yeah, I mean, I guessed it was for this, but… I mean, it’s already like this. From p. 58:

    If the action that triggers the move could reasonably hurt multiple targets roll once and apply damage to each target (they each get their armor).

    Ok, that’s specifically referred to hack & slash, but isn’t it a basic principle? Like, for other PbtAs, “inflict harm as established”. So what’s the purpose of an area tag? Maybe it’s more like, “you cover an area larger than your range”?

  5. It codifies that the damage does hit multiple targets. It’s a little less elegant than “your swipes are wide”, which would be the same thing described in fiction,, but everyone is clear that you have narrative authority to attack multiple targets.

    Someone swinging with a sword may hit multiple enemies when it makes sense. The Cursed Knight can always move through a crowd of them, ripping them limb from limb.

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