*Aestele’s Aerophone*

*Aestele’s Aerophone*

*Aestele’s Aerophone*

Carved from the horn of an ritually slaughtered elk, this simple musical instrument is set with glyphs that represent bound locations. When played properly, Aestele’s Aerophone may be used to command the environment to perform the wielder’s bidding. A newly created aerophone holds 3 charges.

When you issue a simple command to the environment in a place to which your whistle is attuned, play a note, spend a charge, and roll+CHA. The land will always respond to your command, but not always in the way you expect. On a 10+ choose 1. On a 7-9, choose 2.

 * The effect is either smaller or larger than you intended.

 * Something valuable is destroyed or lost. Your GM will tell you what.

 * A dangerous spirit or creature of the land is disturbed by your actions.