So there was talk of a Wild West AW hack that got me fired up to play Cowboys and Crooks again.

So there was talk of a Wild West AW hack that got me fired up to play Cowboys and Crooks again.

So there was talk of a Wild West AW hack that got me fired up to play Cowboys and Crooks again. I quickly cobbled something together this afternoon after my worst defeat ever in the Game of Thrones boardgame this morning.

These are the highlights:

☆ Classless system. Inspiration for this was from Tim Franzke even though he may not realise it. He wanted smaller playbooks.

☆ Characters based on the Tri Stat system with three modifiers: Body, Mind and Soul.

☆ A skill system based on the three base stats.

☆ All skills are based on the character’s background and occupation, which can be anything.

☆ About 8 basic moves and no class moves. Some basic moves cloned from AW.

☆ Hitpointless harm system adapted from AW.

So we had a 4 hour jam. The characters were the sherriff-blacksmith, the 84 year old retired law man who became a bar tender, identical Native American twin girls who ran away from their tribe and the delinquent girl thief who was arrested by the sherriff who took pity on her and took her under his wing. The BBEG was the corrupt mine owner who stole his workers’ wages by robbing his own coaches. We had bar fights, people drawing guns on each other, gun battles and dynamite explosions. The old timer died in the last big explosion that blew up the mine.

Oh my goodness this was fun!

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