


The Vessel of Grummash

“The shaman twisted the knife inside of my squire, and his lifeblood filled a bowl that the orc held in his free hand. Dabbing the warm blood over his empty eye-socket, he roared, ‘Now you will tell me the truth!'”

This wooden bowl is marked with orcish runes, and has been heavily stained with blood. When you fill the Vessel of Grummash with 3 HP worth of blood, choose a person, place, or thing. Then roll+WIS. *On a hit, you receive a vision of the object, as clearly as if you were there. *On a 10+ you may also ask two questions about the target from the Discern Realities list. *On a 6- you draw unwelcome attention to yourself, either from your target or from an angry orcish god.

If you use your own blood, take +1. If you did not use the blood of an intelligent creature, take -1.