Hello folks!  Newbie here.  I picked up the game in a Bundle of Holding and have been reading it and must say I love…

Hello folks!  Newbie here.  I picked up the game in a Bundle of Holding and have been reading it and must say I love…

Hello folks!  Newbie here.  I picked up the game in a Bundle of Holding and have been reading it and must say I love the rules.  Thing is . . . I just moved across the country and am in the middle of the desert and don’t have a gaming group.  Or a gaming store.  Or a store.  My wife won’t be joining me for at least another month, so I have time to kill (mostly Sundays and Mondays) and am hoping to join an online group.  Anyone know of any that are taking new players?

15 thoughts on “Hello folks!  Newbie here.  I picked up the game in a Bundle of Holding and have been reading it and must say I love…”

  1. Congrats Jose Fitchett and welcome to the community. I joined the community at the beginning of the year and have enjoyed it. I hope you can connect with some of the on-line groups here.

  2. Not to detract from any other advice you received, but to be honest I found RPG Geek to be a bit of a ghost town on the DW front (pun intended?)

    There seem to be a fair number of Google Hangout games originating from this group on the weekends, so that might be a good place for you to get started. There’s a “Hangouts Games” section of this community where you could probably have some success.

    Good luck!

  3. I checked that out. Three groups during my working hours, one that is a chat room of 99 people (which I will probably check out ) and one seeking -1 players. I’ll keep an eye on it though and see if one opens up to fit my schedule. Thanks for the tip!

  4. I’ve been wanting to get some more GMing experience, but I haven’t done much I thought that a few more face to face sessions with some friends would be best for improving, but perhaps I’m wrong and doing a play-by-post somewhere would be better. Less thinking on your feet and being on the spot.

    If we could find a few more people (preferably beginners like us) would you be interested in that, Jose Fitchett ?

  5. Yes sir I would. I haven’t DMd since the 80s, and wouldn’t be comfortable doing so at this point, so I understand where you’re coming from.

  6. Cool. I’ll think about it a bit more and then probably make a post calling for relative beginners for a new PbP game and I’ll tag you in it later today or something.

    Just so we’re on the same page – PbP is forum-based and I’d probably shoot for a posting frequency of about once a day (but will probably wind up being more from me). In some senses it’s easier because you can spend time whenever it’s convenient, but then again it’s a longer commitment in that it’s not over in 4 hours one day.

    That ok with you?

  7. As others have said, there are usually one shots that show up here. What part of middle of the desert? I’m in rural northern Nevada-so I share your predicament.

  8. Oh. I’m an old fart and I have roots in play by mail and play by email. I once played a pbem game of Age of Wonders that lasted about 5 months (and I won!)

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