Is b a tag that can be purchased from a fine craftsman in your games or is it strictly the domain of enchantment and…

Is b a tag that can be purchased from a fine craftsman in your games or is it strictly the domain of enchantment and…

Is b a tag that can be purchased from a fine craftsman in your games or is it strictly the domain of enchantment and magic? Why and/or why not?

7 thoughts on “Is b a tag that can be purchased from a fine craftsman in your games or is it strictly the domain of enchantment and…”

  1. That is a GOOD question. 

    I think it is more in the realm of master craftsmen then “fine craftsmen”. Named weapons and all that. 

    Magic does differen things then just give you b i’d say. It is different qualities that the weapon has, new things it can do. 

    But it really depends on the game. This is just my first reaction. 

  2. Ah. I’d make that a “found items” thing, likely. Mostly because I don’t want people buying cool shipment, I want them finding cool equipment. That may include finding a legendary crafter who can make unique weapons, but they’d be just that. “Ah, my finest work. Surely I’ll never surpass that. Well, not without the rumored green steel of Hell, at least…”

  3. It’s never come up, but I’d consider “b” a sign of weapon expertise rather than a more powerful/well-crafted weapon. I wouldn’t offer an item with this quality for sale, but it might be something that appropriate training with a weapons master could provide. (Naturally, they’d need to provide more than just cash to convince the trainer to help them, and the training itself would not be without risk.)

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