8 thoughts on “PvP”

  1. The game is designed for PCs to take action against NPCs/Monsters… all the mechanics are designed that way. So I figure that is the best way to run PvP too. If a player tries to attack a fellow player, I (the GM) take control of that attacking player and the other player can now fight him as if he is a monster, with the same rules and mechanics as if he is fighting a monster. The player who “owns” the character I am controling can tell me what he want’s the character to do (and I try to make that hapen), but in the end, he is treated like an NPC. I use the character’s damage die (plus any damage bonuses he has that make sense) as his damage.

  2. that might make the character actually better at fighting their friend. Not in all cases but it might work out that way. 

    This is not a complaint, just an observation. 

  3. Ya, I know how Adam recommended doing it, but I like doing it this way, especially if magic or other special abilities start getting involved.  I’m just saying it worked well for my campaign 🙂

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