Been working on our Thursday campaign in roll20 – I like how our landing page/world map has turned out!

Been working on our Thursday campaign in roll20 – I like how our landing page/world map has turned out!

Been working on our Thursday campaign in roll20 – I like how our landing page/world map has turned out!

Also, learned about Macros and Token Actions!

16 thoughts on “Been working on our Thursday campaign in roll20 – I like how our landing page/world map has turned out!”

  1. Wow, looks really great. We are using roll20 too, but we only use dice macros. I am interested in how you programmed your macros, since they seem to cover all basic and special moves. Could you describe how you did it?

  2. Roland P

    Sure! Those are token actions (macros attached to a token) and I just put the applicable dice roll into the macro and a description of the move. Here is one example:

    “On  a  10+,  you  do  what  you  set  out  to,  the  threat  doesn’t come to bear. On a 7–9, you stumble, hesitate, or flinch: the GM will offer you a worse outcome, hard bargain, or ugly choice.

    [[2d6 +@{selected|CON}]]

    (If you roll 6 or less, mark XP.)”

    Each player will put their stats on their Roll20 Character Sheet and the macro will pull the stats and spit out the roll.

    I learned it all from here. I wish I could share a copy of my campaign so others could have the character sheets and macros and everything already set up. 🙁

  3. Actually there is a way to do that Jessa… but you have to make sure that you have the rights to distribute all that information, images, etc. You can create a base campaign with all that stuff set up ahead of time and talk to the devs about making it a module.

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