So I was pleased to welcome back a couple of friends who’d not played DW for a while for a one-off game this evening.

So I was pleased to welcome back a couple of friends who’d not played DW for a while for a one-off game this evening.

So I was pleased to welcome back a couple of friends who’d not played DW for a while for a one-off game this evening.

I put together this character sheet for one of them. I think a few peeps have mentioned seeing #charactersheets  for one-off games here already – this is pretty close, and worked for me. (The 2nd page is the adventure starter that I read out to both players.) Shared as-is in the hopes it’ll be useful for players that just need a pick-up character. (We did do bonds and alignment, but I asked leading questions in play to establish these later. The player just scribbled them down along with XP and other notes.)

10 thoughts on “So I was pleased to welcome back a couple of friends who’d not played DW for a while for a one-off game this evening.”

  1. Nah, that’s me. I fudged that for this one off – I figured that’d be a bit more fun than 2d4/2d6 but in retrospect, it was a change for the sake of it and I shouldn’t have bothered.

  2. Plus I just realised I kept the healing spell the same anyway. D’oh!

    David Schirduan Tim Franzke – glad you guys like it! You should have access to save this to your own drives and make your own versions – if not let me know.

  3. Hey Joe, Awesome character concept!

    I LOVE your Love Letter – such a great ‘in media res’ resource. I propose a new category for the Tavern – In media Res – where we have love letters folks have written posted as in media res resources for starting games, class specific where appropriate.

    One concern I would have if I used these sheets – the ‘rewrite’ of possible move trigger actions and listed stats. I get where you are going with this as focused examples, but they jar with the narrative potential that your situation setting options evoke on page two.  !world games are all about the ‘open ended’ fictional extrapolation. Maybe you could identify one possible trigger, and elude to the limitless narrative potential of the move.


    Bash their head in or some other murderous act

    Throw a chair at them, or whatever is in your pouch….

    Ask nicely, or threaten them like the bully you are

    That sort of thing?

    I found simply listing the basic and special move trigger sentences from the rulebook on the back of the character’s name (index) card is wonderfully  inspirational for new players.

  4. Nathan Roberts Yeah, for a brand new player I wouldn’t want them to think they’re limited to just the triggers on the sheet. The player I made this for had played before and seen the basic moves sheet, so was aware what I’d written was the tip of the iceberg. I was also pretty quick to say in play, for example “OK, so you’re dodging out the way? Cool, that sounds like the defy danger move, which specifically works like this…”

  5. Glad you liked the adventure starter! There’s every chance I’ll be turning it into a full-blown PDF as part of my patreon campaign next month, so stay tuned for that. I agree an In medias res / adventure starter / love letter section would be very cool.

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