Does anyone have examples or ideas for interesting potions a player could brew when playing as the Witch?

Does anyone have examples or ideas for interesting potions a player could brew when playing as the Witch?

Does anyone have examples or ideas for interesting potions a player could brew when playing as the Witch? I’m interested in hearing what others have come up with beyond healing, damaging, and mind-controlling potions (since those are available as starting items).

We played our first session last night, and one of the first things I did as the Witch was brew up a batch of Dominate Will potions, using the squishy bits of a giant flying spider our party killed.

Later, while traveling through a gnarled and twisted forest in the middle of the night, the party encountered a swarm of bat-people sleeping in the trees, and the Brute took off into the darkness, explosively splintering trees and scattering bat-people left and right. My character ended up riding around on the Brute’s shoulders, zapping incoming bat-people and lobbing Dominate Will potions into the swarm.

The conditions the GM gave me for brewing the potion were that its effects would be delayed, and that it would have strange and unwanted side effects, so in the midst of our rampage through the forest, one of these bat-people started twitching and violently convulsing. Then, it grew and rapidly mutated into a giant bat-man-monster — entirely under my control. I willed it to smash up the forest and intensify the chaos, which it proceeded to do in spades, but due to its unstable new anatomy, it died shortly thereafter. I’m pretty sure its ribs grew into some of its organs, and its heart was a few sizes too small.

Later, I spent another use of the Dominate Will potion (which now also had the secondary effect “turn target into huge and hideously mutated creature”) on a powerful, sentient magical man-bird, in hopes of riding him across the land causing terror and hysteria, but the session ended before I could see if that was going to pan out.

So, to recap, anyone have interesting potion ideas?

4 thoughts on “Does anyone have examples or ideas for interesting potions a player could brew when playing as the Witch?”

  1. The fat from a baby mixed with nightshade to make a flying potion.

    Changing shape.

    Breathing water

    An oil to put on an object or animal to see as if in thier presence.

    Love potions.

    Make someone younger/older/ more attractive/ another gender

    A potion to make Fairy gold.

    So many options.

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