I’m working on a custom move for my GUMSHOE-hack of DW for a mystery adventure I’m running next weekend.

I’m working on a custom move for my GUMSHOE-hack of DW for a mystery adventure I’m running next weekend.

I’m working on a custom move for my GUMSHOE-hack of DW for a mystery adventure I’m running next weekend. I wanted something with more “teeth” than the standard Parlay/Discern/Lore options. In the GM side of this hack, this move always results in a clue, if there is a clue to be found, even if the player rolls a 6-.

Suggestions, feedback, and advice welcome.

Investigate a Scene

When you investigate a crime scene, say how you approach the investigation. If you do it:

* by carefully searching the area for evidence, roll 2d6+Wis

* by analysing a piece of evidence and connecting it to what happened, roll 2d6+Int

* by talking with witnesses and people who may know something about the event, roll 2d6+Cha

On a 10+, you uncover information which you know is relevant to solving the mystery. The GM may ask you how you find it– tell the truth now. On a 7-9, you find more than one clue, of which at least one is key to solving the mystery.

26 thoughts on “I’m working on a custom move for my GUMSHOE-hack of DW for a mystery adventure I’m running next weekend.”

  1. I think one of the strong elements of a classic gumshoe tale is that this isn’t a static mystery; the miscreant is still at large, and crime very much afoot. It’s a battle against time among other things.

    So, blabber blabber, getting to my point, would be cool if the 7-9 read: your uncovered information is uncovered a little too far, and news of this discovery will wind up in unwanted hands.

    So, gossip, front page newspaper articles, police inquiries, grieving loved ones and, most likely, the perpetrator herself!

  2. Kaillan Reukers I think that would be a potential move on of a 6-, or simply handled in the fiction. Sometimes, they will trigger “everyone knows we’re investigating” anyway, simply because the fiction says the town guard has deputized them, for example.

    I’m running this particular mystery on Thursday (playtest) and Friday (at OrcCon), so I’ll definitely report back here with how the move works out.

  3. Oh, and I kind of wanted to present all six stats as options, the way Defy Danger has it, so that all-physical characters can still participate in clue-searching. Any suggestions for how to go about that?

  4. Investigate a Scene

    When you investigate a crime scene, say how you approach the investigation and roll. If you do it by…

    * …carefully searching the area for evidence, +WIS.

    * …analysing known facts and connecting the dots, +INT.

    * …talking with witnesses and those in the know, +CHA.

    * …interrogating a recalcitrant suspect, +STR.

    * …walking through the crime, step by step, +DEX.

    * …breaking or self-administering vital evidence, +CON.

  5. Monster of the Week has an Investigation move. It might be worth looking at it to see what they did differently, if anything (I can’t remember what the move looks like).

  6. Just checked it out– the move is similar to Discern Reality– there’s a set list of questions. I want this to be more general-purpose for “clue-finding,” which can include all manner of clues. I like Kaillan’s suggestions for the physical stats, and will test those out with my group tomorrow night.

  7. I’m running I Give You My Heart on Friday night at 8 PM. Pre-reg filled up fast (yay!), but I know pre-reg only covers half the seats. So, yes. Get there early Friday and put your name on the sheet! I even let players bring their own characters (within reason).

  8. Here’s a DW-ified version of a move I’m using for a hack.  Maybe it will help?

    When you investigate, do research, or probe your memories, ask the GM a specific question that could be answered this way and roll to get answers.  If you do it by…

    *…intimidating a reluctant source or witness, roll +STR

    *…sneaking around unseen and unnoticed, roll +DEX

    *…waiting patiently and watching, roll +CON

    *…performing careful analysis, pouring through records, or summoning up memories, roll +INT

    *…searching an area for clues or evidence, roll +WIS

    *…interviewing witnesses, chatting up bystanders, or otherwise being social, roll +CHA

    On a 10+, the GM will give you a clear and helpful answer from your character’s point of view, including some clarifications and follow-up questions. On a 7-9, the GM gives you a cryptic or incomplete answer and tells you how you could learn more. 

    On a miss, you get at least a cryptic or partial answer in addition to whatever the GM decides.

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