Thought I’d share. ;)

Thought I’d share. 😉

Thought I’d share. 😉

Comments very welcome!

This is for a Star Wars campaign I’m going to run by modifying Star Worlds: Streets of Mos Eisley Playset, by Zwolfa the Hutt. 

My modifications include:

• Using bonds and alignment (renamed “purpose”) as a means of gaining hero points (you also gain one when the GM makes a hard move against you).

• Using DW’s standard ability scores instead of those used in Star Worlds.

• Modifying the move structure as follows: Primary move of the game is roll when you attempt something risky or opposed, add in Aid or Interfere, Bolster, Spout Lore, Discern Realities, and model hyperspace journeys after Undertake a Perilous Journey.

3 thoughts on “Thought I’d share. ;)”

  1. Star Worlds was probably the best expression of SW using the *World rules, but I still don’t prefer classes in my SW game.

    Ryan M. Danks, have you seen Johnstone Metzger’s Adventures on Dungeon Planet supplement?

  2. I haven’t, no.

    I play very loose with class. I like how Star Worlds does it. Each class feels like a category of selectable traits (feats, really) rather than a hard and fast structure like we see in other games. Damage doesn’t rely on class, neither does your health.

    I don’t think I’ll be asking people to stick to their class after lvl 1. Just select an appropriate trait. Maybe not entirely balanced, but, meh.

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