Pirate World broke £4500 and gained a new class: The Astrophage!

Pirate World broke £4500 and gained a new class: The Astrophage!

Pirate World broke £4500 and gained a new class: The Astrophage!

The Astrophage is a star vampire: they feed on young, forgotten or dying gods, and then burn up the ichor they’ve drunk to break and shape time and reality. They are soulless voids who draw the very warmth from the air around them, and most races ostracise or murder suspected Astrophages at birth, seeing them as dire omens. The parasitic ghulfish are alone in revering the walking voids, and treat them as great prophets.

They have three main move paths, which involve:

* the hunting and feeding of little deities

* the aspects of their devoured meals, and how these change the Astrophage’s base nature

* expending the energy of a god to truly astounding effect.

The Astrophage has moves focused around hunting, draining and finally devouring planar entities. Be prepared to take on the gods themselves, and exploit their blood and power to your own ends: Prince of Persia/Shenkt style moves for slowing/ stopping and accelerating time, as well as moves focused around distorting reality to make the Astrophage a shifting, blurred assassin. As the Astrophage develops and devours more powerful gods, they gain access to even stranger abilities…
